And the joyous thing about a large family....By the time that this circles around to each one of us, it will have mutated into something that I (and everyone else) can catch all over again!
My life right now....(and it's not terrible) |
After the run (which turned into a slow hike), I could barely bend it without pain. Although, a few days of forced rest have seemed to clear that up but it's something that I'll have to be cautious about.
The rest of the year is fairly laid-back in terms of races....I don't have anything ominous or that I'm particularly intimidated by. Optimally, I'd like to see a marathon PR but....ultras have destroyed my speed. So, I'm all about the FUN....But that doesn't mean there is any rest for the wicked....
I am officially in training for my first 100 miler!